I think Andrew Hare's answer is correct. If you have slightly more complicated requirement, you do have the option to create your own AjaxHelper or HtmlHelper. This will involve creating custom extension methods that work on AjaxHelper and HtmlHelpers, by doing something like:
public static class CustomHtmlHelperExtensions
public static MvcHtmlString FormattedActionLink(this HtmlHelper html, ...)
var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("a");
// TODO : Implementation here
// this syntax might not be exact but you get the jist of it!
return MvcHtmlString.Create(tagBuilder.ToString());
You can use dotPeek or your favorite .NET reflection tool to examine the standard extensions that come with ASP.NET MVC (e.g., ActionLink) etc to find how Microsoft has implemented most of those extension methods. They have some pretty good patterns for writing those. In the past, I have taken this approach to simplify outputting HTML in a readable manner, such as, for Google Maps or Bing Maps integration, for creating options like ActionImage
e.g., @Html.ActionImage(...)
or to integrate outputting Textile-formatting HTML by enabling syntax such as @Html.Textile("textile formatted string")
If you define this in a separate assembly (like I do), then remember to include this into your project references and then add it to the project's Web.config as well.
Obviously, this approach is overkill for your specific purposes, and for this reason, my vote is for Andrew Hare's approach for your specific case.