I'm pretty new to android development and I need some help saving the state of an activity. What is the correct way to save the instance from onPause and restoring it from onRestore since obviously Android isn't sending the savedInstanceState Bundle as it does with onCreate or onSaveInstanceState for example. Or is there a better way to save other than using the savedInstanceState bundle?
Does this make sense?
[edit] Ok, i think i know what my real problem is... But first, I think what I was looking for was to use SharedPreferences instead of savedInstanceState.
So, doing more debug log watching I'm noticing that instead of bringing the Activity to the top of the stack it's creating a new one. Yes, I realize I'm creating a new one....
Intent itemintent = new Intent(MediaList.this, AudioPlayer.class);
Bundle b = new Bundle();
//...putString some strings to send
itemintent.putExtra("android.intent.extra.INTENT", b);
...But isn't FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT supposed to stop it from creating a new activity? I'm guessing it thinks it has to create a new one since i'm sending along some strings?
Better yet, how can I check if the activity is already in the stack and switch to it as long as the strings are the same? -- I'm starting this activity when the user clicks a media item from a listview. [/edit]