I am using Cython (0.15.2) to create an extension for Python (2.6.5). I have created a pxd file and a pyx file. Here are the contents of my pyx file:
cimport capifuncs
cdef class myArray:
cdef capifuncs.myArray *_my_array
def __cinit__(self, size):
self._my_array = capifuncs.array_new(size)
if (self._my_array is NULL):
raise MemoryError()
def __dealloc__(self):
if self._my_array is not NULL:
def __bool__(self):
return not capifuncs.IsEmpty(self._my_array)
# Array methods #
cpdef getItem(self, unsigned int pos):
if capifuncs.IsEmpty(self._my_array):
raise IndexError("Array is empty")
#if ():
# raise IndexError("Array bounds exceeded")
return capifuncs.array_get_item(self._my_array, pos)
cpdef setItem(self, unsigned int pos, double val):
if capifuncs.IsEmpty(self._my_array):
raise IndexError("Array is empty")
#if ():
# raise IndexError("Array bounds exceeded")
capifuncs.array_set_item(self._my_array, pos, val)
# Free functions
cpdef long someCAPIFuncCall(capifuncs.FooBar *fb, capifuncs.myArray *arr, long start, long stop):
return capifuncs.doSomethingInteresting(fb, arr, start, stop)
If I comment out the free (i.e. non-member) function definition statement, the code compiles correctly and the extension is produced. However, if I uncomment it and try to compile the file, I get the following error message:
cafuncs.pyx:64:23: Cannot convert Python object argument to type 'FooBar *'
What is the cause of this, and how do I fix it?