I'm somewhat of a newbie to Plone and I'm attempting to use DataGridField with Dexterity. The goal is to use Plone 4.1 to publish the results of a usability study on our intranet. I've created a custom document type (called an Interaction) and I want to use datagrid for one of the fields to model a table containing two columns showing a summary of findings.
As per the instructions listed at collective.z3cform.datagridfield I've successfully added the collective.z3cform.datagrid egg to the list of eggs in my buildout and I can see the new Add-on appear as Active in my list of Add-ons for my site. I've created a simple schema Python module which describes a document showing findings from a usability study I'm documenting:
from five import grok
from zope import schema
from zope import interface
from plone.directives import form
from plonetheme.mytheme import InteractionMessageFactory as _
from plone.app.textfield import RichText
from z3c.form import field, button
from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import IFolderish
from collective.z3cform.datagridfield import DataGridFieldFactory, DictRow
class IFinding(interface.Interface):
summary = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Summary"))
percentage = schema.TextLine(title=_(u"Percentage"))
class IInteraction(form.Schema):
findings = schema.List(
title=_(u"Overview of findings"),
class EditForm(form.EditForm):
fields = field.Fields(IInteraction)
fields['findings'].widgetFactory = DataGridFieldFactory
I've registered my new Interaction content type by adding a line to profiles/default/types.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object meta_type="Plone Types Tool" name="portal_types">
<property name="title">Controls the available content types in your portal</property>
<object meta_type="Dexterity FTI" name="interaction" />
<!-- -*- extra stuff goes here -*- -->
For completeness, I've also included the corresponding profiles/default/types/interaction.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<object name="interaction" meta_type="Dexterity FTI"
<property name="title">Interaction</property>
<property name="description">An item in the interactions dictionary</property>
<property name="icon_expr">string:${portal_url}/document_icon.png</property>
<property name="factory">interaction</property>
<property name="link_target"></property>
<property name="immediate_view">view</property>
<property name="global_allow">True</property>
<property name="filter_content_types">True</property>
<property name="allowed_content_types"/>
<property name="allow_discussion">False</property>
<property name="default_view">view</property>
<property name="view_methods">
<element value="view"/>
<property name="default_view_fallback">False</property>
<property name="add_permission">cmf.AddPortalContent</property>
<property name="klass">plone.dexterity.content.Item</property>
<property name="behaviors">
<element value="plone.app.dexterity.behaviors.metadata.IDublinCore"/>
<element value="plone.app.content.interfaces.INameFromTitle"/>
<element value="collective.flowplayer.behaviors.IFlowplayerFile"/>
<property name="schema">plonetheme.mytheme.interaction.IInteraction</property>
<property name="model_file"></property>
<alias from="(Default)" to="(dynamic view)"/>
<alias from="edit" to="@@edit"/>
<alias from="sharing" to="@@sharing"/>
<alias from="view" to="(selected layout)"/>
<action title="View" action_id="view" category="object" condition_expr=""
icon_expr="" link_target="" url_expr="string:${object_url}"
<permission value="View"/>
<action title="Edit" action_id="edit" category="object" condition_expr=""
icon_expr="" link_target="" url_expr="string:${object_url}/edit"
<permission value="Modify portal content"/>
When I go to the Add form for my Interaction custom type, I get a standard Dexterity List item Add/Remove widget rather than the datagrid table widget I've seen in the collective.z3cform.datagrid_demo examples. When I attempt to save the custom type the Dexterity list widget displays a validation error 'The system could not process the given value.'
Is there any other code I need to add? Do I need to override the Dexterity Add/EditForm view templates?