I have two event handlers, one for keydown and one for keyup. The keydown event handler triggers an alert message, but this prevents the keyup event from firing.
You can see a very simple example here: http://jsfiddle.net/boblauer/jaGwT/ When the keydown opens an alert, the keyup is not fired, but when an alert is not opened, the keyup is fired. Here's the code from the jsfiddle:
var i = 0;
window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) {
if (i++ % 2) alert('down');
window.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) {
I have a library that supports listening to multiple key combinations (such as 'd + f'), so when a key is pressed, I need to add it to a list of keys that are currently pressed, and when a key is released, I need to remove it from said list. The problem I'm running to is, if I want an alert to show when d + f are pressed at the same time, my code to remove those keys from the 'currently pressed' list never fires, because my keyup handler is never called.
I can't think of a good work around to this problem. Any ideas?
blocks - you shouldn't really design your site around usingalert()
... maybe roll-your-own or use some kind of dialog. – Loper