I've taken a direct clone of the User Profile plug-in for my Joomla 2.5.9 install.
I've renamed the plugin and the files accordingly to 'profiletest' similar to the old 1.6 tutorial.
I've added a new input to the form and everything works on the backend and the new entry shows up as expected in the registration form on the front end. However when you register I never see the #__user_profiles
table updated.
Lots of code here but it's a copy of the User profile plug-in (/plugins/user/profile/). Here is the profiletest.php onUserAfterSave function:
function onUserAfterSave($data, $isNew, $result, $error)
$userId = JArrayHelper::getValue($data, 'id', 0, 'int');
if ($userId && $result && isset($data['profiletest']) && (count($data['profiletest'])))
//Sanitize the date
if (!empty($data['profiletest']['dob']))
$date = new JDate($data['profiletest']['dob']);
$data['profiletest']['dob'] = $date->format('Y-m-d');
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
'DELETE FROM #__user_profiles WHERE user_id = '.$userId .
" AND profile_key LIKE 'profiletest.%'"
if (!$db->query())
throw new Exception($db->getErrorMsg());
$tuples = array();
$order = 1;
foreach ($data['profiletest'] as $k => $v)
$tuples[] = '('.$userId.', '.$db->quote('profiletest.'.$k).', '.$db->quote(json_encode($v)).', '.$order++.')';
$db->setQuery('INSERT INTO #__user_profiles VALUES '.implode(', ', $tuples));
if (!$db->query())
throw new Exception($db->getErrorMsg());
catch (JException $e)
return false;
return true;
It never inserts anything into the DB because it never goes into this if statement:
if ($userId && $result && isset($data['profiletest']) && (count($data['profiletest'])))
Basically this condition fails: $data['profiletest']
Seems pretty basic as all I've changed in the plugin is 'profile' to 'profiletest'. However to solve this I think you need to see what my other function called onContentPrepareData
. Although again it is not doing anything different other than the name change. Sorry for the long dump.
function onContentPrepareData($context, $data)
// Check we are manipulating a valid form.
if (!in_array($context, array('com_users.profile', 'com_users.user', 'com_users.registration', 'com_admin.profile')))
return true;
if (is_object($data))
$userId = isset($data->id) ? $data->id : 0;
JLog::add('Do I get into onContentPrepareData?');
if (!isset($data->profiletest) and $userId > 0)
// Load the profile data from the database.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
'SELECT profile_key, profile_value FROM #__user_profiles' .
' WHERE user_id = '.(int) $userId." AND profile_key LIKE 'profiletest.%'" .
' ORDER BY ordering'
$results = $db->loadRowList();
JLog::add('Do I get sql result: '.$results);
// Check for a database error.
if ($db->getErrorNum())
return false;
// Merge the profile data.
$data->profiletest= array();
foreach ($results as $v)
$k = str_replace('profiletest.', '', $v[0]);
$data->profiletest[$k] = json_decode($v[1], true);
if ($data->profiletest[$k] === null)
$data->profiletest[$k] = $v[1];
if (!JHtml::isRegistered('users.url'))
JHtml::register('users.url', array(__CLASS__, 'url'));
if (!JHtml::isRegistered('users.calendar'))
JHtml::register('users.calendar', array(__CLASS__, 'calendar'));
if (!JHtml::isRegistered('users.tos'))
JHtml::register('users.tos', array(__CLASS__, 'tos'));
return true;
Again I notice I never get in here:
if (!isset($data->profiletest) and $userId > 0)
Which probably affects the onUserAfterSave
EDIT Here is the function onContentPrepareForm
function onContentPrepareForm($form, $data)
if (!($form instanceof JForm))
return false;
// Check we are manipulating a valid form.
$name = $form->getName();
if (!in_array($name, array('com_admin.profile', 'com_users.user', 'com_users.profile', 'com_users.registration')))
return true;
// Add the registration fields to the form.
JForm::addFormPath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/profiles');
$form->loadFile('profile', false);
$fields = array(
$tosarticle = $this->params->get('register_tos_article');
$tosenabled = $this->params->get('register-require_tos', 0);
// We need to be in the registration form, field needs to be enabled and we need an article ID
if ($name != 'com_users.registration' || !$tosenabled || !$tosarticle)
// We only want the TOS in the registration form
$form->removeField('tos', 'profiletest');
// Push the TOS article ID into the TOS field.
$form->setFieldAttribute('tos', 'article', $tosarticle, 'profiletest');
foreach ($fields as $field)
// Case using the users manager in admin
if ($name == 'com_users.user')
// Remove the field if it is disabled in registration and profile
if ($this->params->get('register-require_' . $field, 1) == 0
&& $this->params->get('profile-require_' . $field, 1) == 0)
$form->removeField($field, 'profiletest');
// Case registration
elseif ($name == 'com_users.registration')
// Toggle whether the field is required.
if ($this->params->get('register-require_' . $field, 1) > 0)
$form->setFieldAttribute($field, 'required', ($this->params->get('register-require_' . $field) == 2) ? 'required' : '', 'profiletest');
$form->removeField($field, 'profiletest');
// Case profile in site or admin
elseif ($name == 'com_users.profile' || $name == 'com_admin.profile')
// Toggle whether the field is required.
if ($this->params->get('profile-require_' . $field, 1) > 0)
$form->setFieldAttribute($field, 'required', ($this->params->get('profile-require_' . $field) == 2) ? 'required' : '', 'profiletest');
$form->removeField($field, 'profiletest');
return true;
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT var_dump($data); exit();
just inside onUserAfterSave
array(20) { ["isRoot"]=> NULL ["id"]=> int(1291) ["name"]=> string(4) "test" ["username"]=> string(4) "test" ["email"]=> string(22) "[email protected]" ["password"]=> string(65) "5757d7ea6f205f0ee9102e41f66939b4:7dTHzEolpDFKa9P2wmZ4SYSjJSedWFXe" ["password_clear"]=> string(4) "test" ["usertype"]=> NULL ["block"]=> NULL ["sendEmail"]=> int(0) ["registerDate"]=> string(19) "2013-03-05 17:00:40" ["lastvisitDate"]=> NULL ["activation"]=> NULL ["params"]=> string(2) "{}" ["groups"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "2" } ["guest"]=> int(1) ["lastResetTime"]=> NULL ["resetCount"]=> NULL ["aid"]=> int(0) ["password2"]=> string(4) "test" }
. Once that is working then I can start adding my code. – Progressist