This code uses a combination of ast
(to find the initial argument offsets) and regular expressions (to identify boundaries of the arguments):
import ast
import re
def collect_offsets(call_string):
def _abs_offset(lineno, col_offset):
current_lineno = 0
total = 0
for line in call_string.splitlines():
current_lineno += 1
if current_lineno == lineno:
return col_offset + total
total += len(line)
# parse call_string with ast
call = ast.parse(call_string).body[0].value
# collect offsets provided by ast
offsets = []
for arg in call.args:
a = arg
while isinstance(a, ast.BinOp):
a = a.left
offsets.append(_abs_offset(a.lineno, a.col_offset))
for kw in call.keywords:
offsets.append(_abs_offset(kw.value.lineno, kw.value.col_offset))
if call.starargs:
offsets.append(_abs_offset(call.starargs.lineno, call.starargs.col_offset))
if call.kwargs:
offsets.append(_abs_offset(call.kwargs.lineno, call.kwargs.col_offset))
return offsets
def argpos(call_string):
def _find_start(prev_end, offset):
s = call_string[prev_end:offset]
m ='(\(|,)(\s*)(.*?)$', s)
return prev_end + m.regs[3][0]
def _find_end(start, next_offset):
s = call_string[start:next_offset]
m ='(\s*)$', s[:max(s.rfind(','), s.rfind(')'))])
return start + m.start()
offsets = collect_offsets(call_string)
result = []
# previous end
end = 0
# given offsets = [9, 14, 21, ...],
# zip(offsets, offsets[1:]) returns [(9, 14), (14, 21), ...]
for offset, next_offset in zip(offsets, offsets[1:]):
#print 'I:', offset, next_offset
start = _find_start(end, offset)
end = _find_end(start, next_offset)
#print 'R:', start, end
result.append((start, end))
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
while True:
call_string = raw_input()
positions = argpos(call_string)
for p in positions:
print ' ' * p[0] + '^' + ((' ' * (p[1] - p[0] - 2) + '^') if p[1] - p[0] > 1 else '')
print positions
except EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt:
whatever(foo, baz(), 'puppet', 24+2, meow=3, *meowargs, **meowargs)
^ ^
^ ^
^ ^
^ ^
^ ^
^ ^
^ ^
[(9, 12), (14, 19), (21, 29), (31, 35), (37, 43), (45, 54), (56, 66)]
f(1, len(document_text) - 1 - position)
^ ^
[(2, 3), (5, 38)]
." what do you want to return ? how do you figure out your call would be ? for what use ? it is quite unclear what you want to do – Inaast
is an implementation detail andast
adds some useful functionality). You need to get your head around the concept of ASTs and tree traversal, but without that you're bound to produce a slow, complex, limited, fragile solution anyway. – Trampolinefoo
? I want a tuple where the first item is the position off
and the second item is the position of the finalo
. – Serai