I am trying to write a custom Windows credential provider. I have downloaded the V2 credential provider sample and I am able build, register and use it.
For testing I have set up a hyper-v Windows 8.1 instance and joined a windows test domain.
However, the custom credential provider is only displayed on user tiles, not on the 'Other user' tile.
The documentation (Credential Provider Framework Changes in Windows 8.docx) provides a small snippet:
// Gets the SID of the user corresponding to the credential. HRESULT CSampleCredential::GetUserSid(__deref_out PWSTR *ppszSid)
*ppszSid = nullptr;
// _pszUserSid is a private member of CSampleCredential
if (_pszUserSid != nullptr)
// ppszSid will be freed by Logon UI
hr = SHStrDupW(_pszUserSid, ppszSid);
// Return S_FALSE with a null SID in ppszSid for the
// credential to be associated with an anonymous user tile.
else if (_fIsOtherUserTile)
hr = S_FALSE;
return hr;
I am not sure where '_fIsOtherUserTile' is coming from. If I am ignoring this and just set 'hr' to S_FALSE the credential provider is still not showing up on the 'Other user' tile.
What am I missing? What do I have to change so I am able to use the credential provider on the 'Other user' tile?
Usually I do web projects so I have little experience with the Windows SDK.