I have few questions regarding Identity certificate in Profile Payload.
Forgive the ignorance, if some questions are basic.
1.) I found that, we can either use SCEP standard or PKCS12 certificate directly for device identification. SCEP is recommended, since private key will be known only to the device. So in case If I am going to implement SCEP server, do I need to maintain the list of Public key of Identity certificates mapped to the device, so that I can use it later for encrypting?
2.) What is the best possible way to implement SCEP server.? Is there any reliable robust methods available to adopt it instead of writing everything on our own?
3.) What if the identity certificate is expired?
As a basic version while playing around, I tried to add my own p12 certificate to the Payload without using SCEP.
I tried to add the base64 encoded p12 certificate in the identity payloadcontent key,as mentioned in some link reference. I got an error
The identity certificate for “Test MDM Profile” could not be found
while installing profile.
identity_payload['PayloadType'] = 'com.apple.security.pkcs12'
identity_payload['PayloadUUID'] = "RANDOM-UUID-STRING"
identity_payload['PayloadVersion'] = 1
identity_payload['PayloadContent'] = Base64.encode64(File.read "identity.p12")
identity_payload['Password'] = 'p12Secret'
When I checked 'Configuration Profile key reference', it was mentioned that I should send Binary representation of Payload in Data. So I tried,
identity_payload['PayloadContent'] = ConvertToBinary(File.read "identity.p12")
I got,
The password for the certificate “IdentityCertificate” is incorrect
I am supplying valid password for exporting the p12 certificate.
What am I doing wrong?