Given a 2D array of Boolean values I want to find all patterns that consist of at least 2 columns and at least 2 rows. The problem is somewhat close to finding cliques in a graph.
In the example below green cells represent "true" bits, greys are "false". Pattern 1 contains cols 1,3,4 and 5 and rows 1 and 2. Pattern 2 contains only columns 2 and 4, and rows 2,3,4.
Business idea behind this is finding similarity patterns among various groups of social network users. In real world number of rows can go up to 3E7, and the number of columns up to 300.
Can't really figure out a solution other than brute force matching.
Please advice the proper name of the problem, so I could read more, or advice an elegant solution.
(this is the set of possible patterns, you can reduce it by removing patterns of size less then 3) and then just brute force it? OverallO(n^3)
at most. – Mckeever