this is my first question and I hope you can help me. I make a script in Groovy (in Oracle Data Integrator 12c) to automate mappings. Here is the description of my prodecure: 1 step: removing old mapping if exists. 2 step: looking for the project and the folder (if doesn't exist: create new one). 3 step: create new mapping 4 step: implement source and target table 5 step: create expression 6 step: link every column
Now my question: Can someone help me to make this script with a dynamic expression? Like this: step 1: get the data types of the target columns step 2: get the right data types into the expression step 3: change the false types (always Varchar) into the right types (Number or Date or still Varchar) step 4: link every column
My handicap: I have never done something with groovy and in Java I'm not very good. So it is not possible for me to make this dynamic. Almost everything in my Script is placed together from some internet sites. It would be great to find some guys who know something about my problem. And I think it would be a good script for all who will change from OWB to ODI.
//Von ODI Studio erstellt
//name of the project
projectName = "SRC_TO_TRG"
//name of the folder
ordnerName = "FEN_TEST"
//name of the mapping
mappingName = "MAP1_FF_TO_TRG"
//name of the model
modelName = "DB_FEN"
//name of the source datastore
sourceDatastoreName = "SRC_TEST_FEN"
//name of the target datastore
targetDatastoreName = "TRG_TEST_FEN"
import oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiProjectFinder
import oracle.odi.domain.model.finder.IOdiDataStoreFinder
import oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiFolderFinder
import oracle.odi.domain.project.finder.IOdiKMFinder
import oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
import oracle.odi.domain.adapter.project.IKnowledgeModule.ProcessingType
import oracle.odi.domain.model.OdiDataStore
//set expression to the component
def createExp(comp, tgtTable, propertyName, expressionText) {
DatastoreComponent.findAttributeForColumn(comp,tgtTable.getColumn(propertyName)) .setExpressionText(expressionText)
//delete mapping with the same name
def removeMapping(folder, map_name) {
txnDef = new DefaultTransactionDefinition()
tm = odiInstance.getTransactionManager()
tme = odiInstance.getTransactionalEntityManager()
txnStatus = tm.getTransaction(txnDef)
try {
Mapping map = ((IMappingFinder) tme.getFinder(Mapping.class)).findByName(folder, map_name)
if (map != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
//looking for a project and folder
def find_folder(project_code, folder_name) {
txnDef = new DefaultTransactionDefinition()
tm = odiInstance.getTransactionManager()
tme = odiInstance.getTransactionalEntityManager()
txnStatus = tm.getTransaction(txnDef)
pf = (IOdiProjectFinder)tme.getFinder(OdiProject.class)
ff = (IOdiFolderFinder)tme.getFinder(OdiFolder.class)
project = pf.findByCode(project_code)
//if there is no project, create new one
if (project == null) {
project = new OdiProject(project_code, project_code)
//if there is no folder, create new one
folderColl = ff.findByName(folder_name, project_code)
OdiFolder folder = null
if (folderColl.size() == 1)
folder = folderColl.iterator().next()
if (folder == null) {
folder = new OdiFolder(project, folder_name)
return folder
//name of the project and the folder
folder = find_folder(projectName,ordnerName)
//delete old mapping
removeMapping(folder, mappingName)
txnDef = new DefaultTransactionDefinition()
tm = odiInstance.getTransactionManager()
tme = odiInstance.getTransactionalEntityManager()
txnStatus = tm.getTransaction(txnDef)
dsf = (IOdiDataStoreFinder)tme.getFinder(OdiDataStore.class)
mapf = (IMappingFinder) tme.getFinder(Mapping.class)
//create new mapping
map = new Mapping(mappingName, folder);
//insert source table
boundTo_emp = dsf.findByName(sourceDatastoreName, modelName)
comp_emp = new DatastoreComponent(map, boundTo_emp)
//insert target table
boundTo_tgtemp = dsf.findByName(targetDatastoreName, modelName)
comp_tgtemp = new DatastoreComponent(map, boundTo_tgtemp)
//create expression-operator
comp_expression = new ExpressionComponent(map, "EXPRESSION")
// define expression
comp_expression.addExpression("LAND_KM", "TO_NUMBER(SRC_TEST_FEN.LAND_KM)", null,null,null);
comp_expression.addExpression("DATE_OF_ELECTION", "TO_DATE(SRC_TEST_FEN.DATE_OF_ELECTION, 'DD.MM.YYYY')", null,null,null);
//weitere Transformationen anhängen möglich
//link source table with expression
//link expression with target table
createExp(comp_tgtemp, boundTo_tgtemp, "ABBR", "SRC_TEST_FEN.ABBR")
createExp(comp_tgtemp, boundTo_tgtemp, "NAME", "SRC_TEST_FEN.NAME")
createExp(comp_tgtemp, boundTo_tgtemp, "LAND_KM", "EXPRESSION.LAND_KM")
createExp(comp_tgtemp, boundTo_tgtemp, "DATE_OF_ELECTION", "EXPRESSION.DATE_OF_ELECTION")