I'm facing a very common issue with Parse and iOS.
I have a class POST with the following structure:
Image (PFFile)
LikesUsers (Array of String)
LikesCount (Int)
From (Pointer to User who posted it)
and if the user (already logged in) likes a post. I'm just incrementing the likes and the add Objectid of the user to the array
For example : User-2 likes User-1's Post.
PostObject.addObject((PFUser.currentUser()?.objectId)!, forKey: "LikesUsers")
The issue is here. I can't save a the PostObject as long as it has a pointer to another user (than the logged in) I'm getting the error :
User cannot be saved unless they have been authenticated via logIn or signUp
So how to prevent from saving the ParseObject Children ("From")
I don't want to use a CloudCode, I want to keep it simple and to Use SaveEventually for a better user experience.