I'm trying to install graph-tool for Anaconda Python 3.5 on Ubuntu 14.04 (x64), but it turns out that's a real trick.
I tried this approach, but run into the problem:
The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- graph-tool
Use "conda info <package>" to see the dependencies for each package.
Digging through the dependencies led to a dead-end at gobject-introspection
So I tried another approach:
Installed boost with conda, then tried to ./configure, make, and make install graph-tool... which got about as far as ./configure:
Using python version: 3.5.2
checking for boostlib >= 1.54.0... yes
checking whether the Boost::Python library is available... yes
checking whether boost_python is the correct library... no
checking whether boost_python-py27 is the correct library... no
checking whether boost_python-py27 is the correct library... (cached) no
checking whether boost_python-py27 is the correct library... (cached) no
checking whether boost_python-py35 is the correct library... yes
checking whether the Boost::IOStreams library is available... yes
configure: error: Could not link against boost_python-py35 !
I know this is something about environment variables for the ./configure command and conda installing libboost to Anaconda's weird place, I just don't know what to do, and my Google-fu is failing me. So this is another dead end.
Can anyone who's had to install graph-tool recently in linux-64 give me a walkthrough? It's a fresh VM running in VMWare Workstation 10.0.7
conda create -n graph -c floriangeigl -c vgauthier -c msarahan -c bioconda -c ostrokach -c salford_systems -c ptorrestr -c pkgw -c kalefranz python graph-tool
Can you please show the command you used that gives that unsatisfiable dependency? – Plaided