So your scenario seems like "for 2 hours, send a request every 6 minutes" or "at a constant rate of 10 users per hour during 2 hours ...".
Option 1
The constantUsersPerSec
is internally rounded to int after multiplying it to the number of seconds of the duration. So the duration should be chosen with respect to the rate, so that the result is greater than 1.
In your case,
def perHour(rate : Double): Double = rate / 3600
constantUsersPerSec(perHour(10)) during(2 hours)
This would result in
10/3600 users * (2 * 60 * 60) seconds = 20 users
Option 2
via injection steps
nothingFor(6 minutes),
nothingFor(6 minutes),
//... and so forth...
or produce the injection steps in a second method
def injections(): List[InjectionStep] = List(...)
setUp(scn.inject(injections : _*))