As per the above image, large screen size will have range of 4" to 7".
So all the android devices which have 4" to 7" display size they all belongs to large screen size.
It may chance 7" tablet also part of this category.
A reason to ask this question that I need to restrict app for tablet users.
So I have set following configuration in manifest file.
<supports-screens android:largeScreens="true" android:normalScreens="true"
android:smallScreens="true" android:xlargeScreens="false" />
Still app is getting visible for tablet.
Just want to know android:largeScreens is for tablet or mobile?
I have also refereed Android: Disable application for tablet.
In this he has used only normalScreens. But normal screen size range is 3-5 inch. What if device is 5-6 inch.
Please give me clarification about screen wise range.