My problem is that I have to use a thrid-party function/algorithm which takes an array of double-precision values as input, but apparently can be sensitive to very small changes in the input data. However for my application I have to get identical results for inputs that are (almost) identical! In particular I have two test input arrays which are identical up to the 5-th position after the decimal point and still I get different results. So what causes the "problem" must be after the 5-th position after the decimal point.
Now my idea was to round the input to a slightly lower precision in order to get identical results from inputs that are very similar, yet not 100% identical. Therefore I am looking for a good/efficient way to round double-precision values to a slightly lower precision. So far I am using this code to round to the 9-th position after the decimal point:
double x = original_input();
x = double(qRound(x * 1000000000.0)) / 1000000000.0;
Here qRound() is the normal double to integer rounding function from Qt. This code works and it indeed resolved my problem with the two "problematic" test sets. But: Is there a more efficient way to this?
Also what bothers me: Rounding to the 9-th position after the decimal point might be reasonable for input data that is in the -100.0 to 100.0 range (as is the case with my current input data). But it may be too much (i,e, too much precision loss) for input data in the -0.001 to 0.001 range, for example. Unfortunately I don't know in what range my input values will be in other cases...
After all, I think what I would need is something like a function which does the following: Cut off, by proper rounding, a given double-precision value X to at most L-N positions after the decimal point, where L is the number of positions after the decimal point that double-precision can store (represent) for the given value; and N is fixed, like 3. It means that for "small" values we would allow more positions after the decimal point than for "large" values. In other words I would like to round the 64-Bit floating-point value to a (somewhat) smaller precision like 60-Bit or 56-Bit and then store it back to a 64-Bit double value.
Does this make sense to you? And if so, can you suggest a way to do this (efficiently) in C++ ???
Thanks in advance!
f(1.00) == f(1.01)
then alsof(1.00)==f(1.02)
and alsof(1.00)==f(1E7)
– Herniorrhaphy