I'm working on a Matlab script that involves fourth order tensors calculations volume integrals. Let H(r,theta,phi) be the function I want to integrate. Assume that H cannot be obtained by simple operations on r, theta and phi.
My problem is that in Matlab as in any other code I know :
All input functions must accept arrays and operate elementwise. The function FUN(X,Y,Z)
must accept arrays X, Y, Z of the same size and return an array of corresponding values.
This is from the implementation of the integral3 function from Matlab.
If I try with this simple function :
fun = @(X,Y,Z) X.*Y.*Z
There is no problem at all and if I integrate it over [0,1] x [0,1] x [0,1], I get the right result :
returns 0.125 which is correct.
The problem is that as I said, I can't perform simple calculations with the vectors to obtain H and I am forced to do things more or less this way :
function [result] = fun(x,y,z)
sz = length(x);
result = zeros(1,sz);
for i=1:sz
result(i) = x(i)*y(i)*z(i);
This function works on its own and returns exactly the same results as the other one I introduced earlier. However, when I try to use integral3 I get this error :
Error using integral2Calc>integral2t/tensor (line 241)
Integrand output size does not match the input size
But it can clearly be seen from the definition of my function that I specifically made it the size of the input.
I don't understand what's wrong and I'm not sure I have any other solution to compute this function than using this kind of syntax.
Thanks a lot for your time and help :)