I would like to build a Python script that checks if a specific directory is open in nautilus.
So far the best solution I have is to use wmctrl -lxp
to list all windows,
which gives me output like this:
0x0323d584 0 1006 nautilus.Nautilus namek Downloads
0x0325083a 0 1006 nautilus.Nautilus namek test
0x04400003 0 25536 gvim.Gvim namek yolo_voc.py + (~/code/netharn/netharn/examples) - GVIM4
Then I check if the basename of the directory I'm interested in is in window name of the nautilus.Nautilus
Here is the code for the incomplete solution I just described:
def is_directory_open(dpath):
import ubelt as ub # pip install me! https://github.com/Erotemic/ubelt
import platform
from os.path import basename
import re
computer_name = platform.node()
dname = basename(dpath)
for line in ub.cmd('wmctrl -lxp')['out'].splitlines():
parts = re.split(' *', line)
if len(parts) > 3 and parts[3] == 'nautilus.Nautilus':
if parts[4] == computer_name:
# FIXME: Might be a False positive!
line_dname = ' '.join(parts[5:])
if line_dname == dname:
return True
# Always correctly returns False
return False
This can definitely determine if it is not open, this only gets me so far, because it might return false positives. If I want to check if /foo/test
is open, I can't tell if the second line refers to that directory or some other path, where the final directory is named test
. E.g. I can't differentiate /foo/test
from /bar/test
Is there any way to do what I want using builtin or apt-get / pip installable tools on Ubuntu?
. Do you have write access to that directory, and is putting a file there a viable solution for you? – Caricaria