HOW can i add alt text for the following generated SVG ? I have only access to the html. the flowing SVG is in div. This is reading the numbers generated by Js function.
<svg class="barcode" role="img" aria-labelledby="title desc" jsbarcode-format="code39" jsbarcode-value="" jsbarcode-textmargin="0" jsbarcode-width="1" width="116px" height="140px" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 116 140" xmlns="" version="1.1" style="transform: translate(0,0)"><rect x="0" y="0" width="116" height="140" style="fill:#ffffff;"></rect><g transform="translate(10, 10)" style="fill:#000000;"><rect x="0" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="4" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="6" y="0" width="3" height="100"></rect><rect x="10" y="0" width="3" height="100"></rect><rect x="14" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="16" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="18" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="20" y="0" width="3" height="100"></rect><rect x="24" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="28" y="0" width="3" height="100"></rect><rect x="32" y="0" width="3" height="100"></rect><rect x="38" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="40" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="42" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="44" y="0" width="3" height="100"></rect><rect x="48" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="50" y="0" width="3" height="100"></rect><rect x="54" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="56" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="60" y="0" width="3" height="100"></rect><rect x="64" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="66" y="0" width="3" height="100"></rect><rect x="70" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="72" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="76" y="0" width="3" height="100"></rect><rect x="80" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="84" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><rect x="86" y="0" width="3" height="100"></rect><rect x="90" y="0" width="3" height="100"></rect><rect x="94" y="0" width="1" height="100"></rect><text style="font: 20px monospace" text-anchor="middle" x="48" y="120">NULL</text></g></svg>
svg element and referring to it in thearia-labelledby
, they could also have a<desc>
svg element and refer to it in thearia-describedby
attribute (assuming they can control the content of the svg). – Rubin