I have the following graphviz file:
digraph ServerDependency {
Server02 -> Server01 [tooltip="Database"];
Server02 -> Server06 [tooltip="Images"];
dot -Timap -oserverdependency.map -Tgif -oserverdependency.gif serverdependency.gv
Then I have a html file that looks like this:
<A HREF="serverdependency.map"><IMG SRC="serverdependency.gif" ismap="ismap"/></A>
Based on the name tooltip
I would expect to hover over the node and see the text, but I don't.
How can I change the command or html to actually be able to hover over the node to see the tooltip.
I am following the example at this URL about 1/3 down the page: https://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/output.html