My use case is to generate token for reset password api. Which I am doing with itsdangerous library in python.
This token(within reset password link) is forwarder through email to client, the token has expiry time limit which is validated and after that password reset can go through successfully.
Issue here is that once password reset is successful how do I make sure the same token(email link) cannot be used again within the expiry time limit. I can see itsdangerous has URLSafeTimedSerializer which helps evaluate during the validation phase on how old the token is. On the other hand TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer helps set the expiry time while generating token. Please check the attached piece of code.
Is there a better way to expire token forcefully? If not what would be the best way to save the state of token that it has been used?
import itsdangerous
key = "test"
# signer = itsdangerous.URLSafeTimedSerializer(key)
signer = itsdangerous.TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer(key, expires_in=5)
email = "[email protected]"
# token = email # to be used with URLSafeTimedSerializer
token = signer.dumps({"email": email})
print token
# print signer.loads(token, max_age=5) # to be used with URLSafeTimedSerializer
print str(signer.loads(token)["email"]) # to be used with TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer