There is a getMarkersFrames
function to do that, but it is iOS
only, and that's why I never used one in my apps.
I solved the same problem by using the RBush library to store markers: It allows to easily select points in the selected region. And it does it fast by using an R-tree. Example:
getInitialState() {
return {
region: {
latitude: 37.78825,
longitude: -122.4324,
latitudeDelta: 0.0922,
longitudeDelta: 0.0421,
componentWillMount() {
this.tree = new RBush();
fetch().then((points) => {
// RBush expects the point to have minX, maxX, minY, maxY
// but it could be configured.
onRegionChangeComplete(region) {
// Get points that are inside the region.
visibleItems ={
// Provide the coordinates of the south-west, north-east corners of the region.
minX: region.longitude - region.longitudeDelta,
minY: region.latitude - region.latitudeDelta,
maxX: region.longitude + region.longitudeDelta,
maxY: region.latitude + region.latitudeDelta
this.setState({ region, visibleItems });
render() {
return (
My app uses the same approach except I do initial markers loading and search in redux
and redux-saga
If you doesn't need to show that many markers, you can use simpler approach by storing points in the array. Then on each region change loop through all of the places and select those that are inside the region.
method? Check here -… – PontificalsgetMapBoundaries
and manually check which of your markers are within those boundaries. – Pontificals