I am currently trying to export a .csv file from AWS Aurora Serverless with a MySQL Engine to AWS S3. This works perfectly fine when using an Instance backed Aurora but not with the serverless. I set up IAM Policies for the S3 as written in the documentation and made an IAM User with Full Access to S3 and RDS. The Parameter Group which the Serverless is using has the ARN of the IAM User in the LOAD DATA FROM S3 and SELECT INTO OUTFILE S3 fields.
The Code i am using to Export to S3:
SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ID = '6838' INTO OUTFILE S3 's3://bucketname/file.csv';
I've read the documentation here :https://docs.aws.amazon.com/de_de/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/AuroraMySQL.Integrating.SaveIntoS3.html
The Errormessage: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SELECT INTO S3 privilege(s) for this operation
I expect the Aurora serverless to load as smooth as Aurora with Instances is doing. The Aurora with Instances is using the IAM User which was created for the serverless and is working fine.
EDIT: It seems that AWS Aurora Serverless does not support either IMPORT or EXPORT from and to S3. (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless.html#aurora-serverless.limitations)