Setup is Linux, ffmpeg using kabylake iGPU.
I am capturing a running sway instance using the kmsgrab device, which requires the use of a hardware backend to coherently process the image on my hardware. Only VA API fits this bill. I want to overlay the webcam in the bottom right corner during encoding. However, attempts at manipulating the filter graph to accomplish this have been unsuccessful. This is ultimately for Twitch/Tube stream.
Right now, I am actually capturing the webcam to an sdl window, and simply recording the screen using separate instances of ffmpeg
. This doesn't actually solve my problem since the window is easily disguised by workspace switching or other windows.
This is the workaround:
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# record webcam and open it in sdl window
ffmpeg -v quiet -hide_banner \
-re -video_size 640X480 -hwaccel vaapi -vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -i /dev/video0 \
-vf 'format=nv12,hwupload' -c:v hevc_vaapi -f hevc - \
| ffmpeg -v quiet -i - -f sdl2 - &
# wait for webcam window to open
until swaymsg -t get_tree | grep 'pipe:' &>/dev/null; do
sleep 0.5
# position webcam in the bottom right corner of screen using sway
swaymsg floating enable
swaymsg resize set width 320 height 240
swaymsg move position 1580 795
swaymsg focus tiling
ffmpeg -format bgra -framerate 60 -f kmsgrab -thread_queue_size 1024 -i - \
-f alsa -ac 2 -thread_queue_size 1024 -i hw:0 \
-vf 'hwmap=derive_device=vaapi,scale_vaapi=w=1920:h=1080:format=nv12' \
-c:v h264_vaapi -g 120 -b:v 3M -maxrate 3M -pix_fmt vaapi_vld -c:a aac -ab 96k -threads $(nproc) \
kill %1