I have a react app running, and I wanted to add route based code-splitting using React.lazy to it.
Currently my code is,
import { PureComponent, cloneElement, Suspense, lazy } from 'react';
export const CartPage = lazy(() => import(/* webpackMode: "lazy", webpackPrefetch: true */ 'Route/CartPage'));
<Suspense fallback={ this.renderFallbackPage() }>
<Route path="/cart" exact component={ CartPage } />
Only mentioned the relevant parts here to make it compact.
Now the problem is, in webpack-dev-server, it runs perfectly, but when I run npm run build, and go to /cart
the code breaks. After following the link mentioned for the error, this is the message
Element type is invalid. Received a promise that resolves to: function i(e){var r;return
r=t.call(this,e)||this,T()(y?!e.wrapperProps[d]:!e[d],"Passing redux store in props has
been removed and does not do anything.
"+P),r.selectDerivedProps=n(),r.selectChildElement=function(){var t,e,n,r;return
{if(void 0===t)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been
called");return t}(r)),r}. Lazy element type must resolve to a class or function.
A couple of common troubleshooting which I already did
- In the
component, I have doneexport default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(CartPage);
- React version is
And the weird part is, Received a promise that resolves to: function...
. It is a function! But then it complains Lazy element type must resolve to a class or function
. It doesn't make any sense to me.
What could be wrong?
The Route/CartPage/index.js
has the following
import { PureComponent } from 'react';
export default class CartPage extends PureComponent {
render() {
return <h1>Test</h1>;
I deliberately made it as simple as possible. But still the same error came. But with different parameters. Now the error is this
Element type is invalid. Received a promise that resolves to: function
t(){return c()(this,t),r.apply(this,arguments)}. Lazy element type
must resolve to a class or function.
I removed the following lines from my webpack.config.js
. And it started to work! Still no idea why though
const MinifyPlugin = require('babel-minify-webpack-plugin');
plugins: [
new MinifyPlugin({
removeConsole: false,
removeDebugger: false
}, {
comments: false
code – Kezerdefault export
in this file – KezerCartPage
file? – DupuyCartPage
component without router? – Dupuy<CartPage />
instead of<Route path="/cart" exact component={ CartPage } />
? – Blubberimport React, { PureComponent } from 'react';
– FonzProvidePlugin
of webpack to makeReact
globally point toreact
– Blubber