I have a multi-module maven project in which the modules have quite a few dependencies between them. I have tried running my tests in parallel, but since the modules are not very well thought off and are highly dependent on each other, I basically have no time gain, since they still end up executing sequentially.
Now, before running the tests altogether I have a phase where I build the project so that I may apply other static analysis tools in parallel to my testing.
My question is: Given that my modules are already compiled, can I not tell maven to run tests in parallel using these precompiled classes and not wait for dependant modules to run their tests first? E.g. currently if I have a module A depending on module B, module B would execute all its tests first before A could start. Since I have A and B already built, I have no need to keep this limitation.
The way I run tests currently is something like:
mvn -f project-parent/pom.xml surefire:test
where project parent is a module parenting all my other modules. I have ommited profiles and other parameters for brevity.
Edit: I am trying to avoid class/suite level parallelization at this point using junit or surefire and would just like to test modules in a parallel way.
mvn clean install
? – TickerList
instead of a somewhat balancedTree
does not work. – Counterattack