Let's say that I'm using a GET
request on https://example.com
and the response is this:
This is a response message.
How would I modify it in a way so that in my code, so that it can change the response to say something like this:
This is a MODIFIED response message.
For example, if my Electron app were to navigate to https://example.com
, the screen would show me the modified content instead of the original content.
Essentially, I am trying to literally modify the request.
I have based my code off of this question but it only shows a proof of concept with a pre-typed Buffer
, as in my situation I'd like modify the response instead of outright replacing it. So, my code looks like this:
protocol.interceptBufferProtocol("http", (req, CALLBACK) => {
if(req.url.includes("special url here")) {
var request = net.request({
method: req.method,
headers: req.headers,
url: req.url
request.on("response", (rp) => {
var d = [];
rp.on("data", c => d.push(c));
rp.on("end", () => {
var e = Buffer.concat(d);
// do SOMETHING with 'e', the response, then callback it.
} else {
// Is supposedly going to carry out the request without interception
This is supposed to manually request the URL, grab the response and return it. Without the protocol event, it works and gives me a response, but after some debugging, this piece of code consistently calls the same URL over and over with no response.
There is also the WebRequest API, but there is no way of modifying the response body, you can only modify the request headers & related content.
I haven't looked fully into Chromium-based solutions, but after looking at this, I'm not sure if it is possible to modify the response so it appears on my app's end in the first place. Additionally, I'm not familiar with the Chromium/Puppeteer messages that get sent all over the place.
Is there an elegant way to have Electron to get a URL response/request, call the URL using the headers/body/etc., then save & modify the response to appear different in Electron?