I'm trying to implement long division for bignums. I can't use a library like GMP unfortunately due to the limitations of embedded programming. Besides, i want the intellectual exercise of learning how to implement it. So far i've got addition and multiplication done using any-length arrays of bytes (so each byte is like a base-256 digit).
I'm just trying to get started on implementing division / modulus and i want to know where to start? I've found lots of highly-optimised (aka unreadable) code on the net, which doesn't help me, and i've found lots of highly-technical mathematical whitepapers from which I can't bridge the gap between theory and implementation.
If someone could recommend a popular algorithm, and point me to a simple to understand explanation of it that leans towards implmenentation, that'd be fantastic.
-edit: I need algorithms which work when the dividend is ~4000bits, and divisor is ~2000bits
-edit: Will this algorithm work with base-256 ? http://courses.cs.vt.edu/~cs1104/BuildingBlocks/divide.030.html
-edit: Is this the algorithm (newton division) i should really be using? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Division_(digital)#Newton.E2.80.93Raphson_division