Here is some code from a lock-free queue using compareAndSet (in Java):
public void enq(T value) {
Node newNode = new Node(value);
while(true) {
Node last = tail.get();
Node next =;
if(last != tail.get())
continue; //???
if (next != null) { //improve tail
tail.compareAndSet(last, next);
if (, newNode)) { //update last node
tail.compareAndSet(last, newNode); //update tail
public T deq() throws EmptyException {
while(true) {
Node first = head.get();
Node last = tail.get();
Node next =;
if(first != head.get())
continue; //???
if(first == last) {
if (next == null)
throw new EmptyException();
tail.compareAndSet(last, next);
T value = next.value;
if (head.compareAnsdSet(first, next)) {
return value;
(head and tail are the members of the queue)
In both the deq and enq function, the first check seems unnecessary to me. (The ones commented with "???") I suspect it's there just for some kind of optimization.
Am I missing something here? Do these checks affect the correctness of the code?
(The code is taken from the "Art of Multi-processor Programming", though I did refactor the code style to have less nested ifs and elses, while keeping the code equivalent)