I am working in Namibia. Namibia is not an option on the Windows Region and Language settings, but share most cultural specifics with South Africa, so we select English South Africa and then customize the currency symbol to be "N$" (Namibian Dollars) and not "R" (South African Rand).
However, I can't convince WPF to use the customized currency. Using string.format("{0:c}", foo)
in code works fine, but using {Binding Path=SomeCurrencyValue, StringFormat=c
}` in XAML still uses the "R" symbol and not the custom "N$" symbol.
In App.xaml.cs
I set the Application Culture with the following code:
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.LCID, true);
new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
As demonstration, here is some XAML code that shows the problem:
Formatted in XAML with: <LineBreak/>
Text="{Binding Path=SomeCurrencyValue, StringFormat=c}" <LineBreak/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=SomeCurrencyValue, StringFormat=c, Mode=OneWay}"
Formatted in code with: <LineBreak/>
return string.Format("{0:c}", SomeCurrencyValue); <LineBreak/>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=SomeCurrencyString, Mode=OneWay}"
The DataContext
for the above View contains the following:
public double SomeCurrencyValue
get { return 34.95; }
public string SomeCurrencyString
return string.Format("{0:c}", SomeCurrencyValue);
And the result looks like this:
I know there is a similiar question here, but I was hoping to get better answers with a more complete question. I am mostly working on financial applications for Namibian clients, so this is quite a serious issue for me - if there is no way to do this with .NET 4.0, I would consider filing a bug report, but I just wanted to check here first.
Just opened up the bounty on this question. I'm hoping for either a solution that isn't a rediculous workaround, or confirmation that this is a bug and should be filed as such.
property for anyFrameworkElement
but I couldn't get it to work with Namibian Dollars. The closest I got was<TextBox Language="en-NA" .../>
but that's Namibia English.. Also, I noticed no difference between the currency presentation from Xaml or code – PrincipleCultureInfo.CurrentCulture.IetfLanguageTag
? – Principle