I'm taking an operating systems course and I'm having a hard time how input is redirected with dup2 when you have forks. I wrote this small program to try and get a sense for it but I wasn't successful in passing the output of a grand-child to a child. I am trying to mimick the unix command: ps -A | wc -l. I'm new to Unix, but I believe this should count the lines of the list of running processes I get. So my output should be a single number.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
char *searchArg = argv[ 1 ];
pid_t pid;
if ( ( pid = fork() ) > 0 ) {
wait( NULL );
cout << "Inside parent" << endl;
else if ( pid == 0 ) {
int fd1[ 2 ];
pipe( fd1 );
cout << "Inside child" << endl;
if ( pid = fork() > 0 ) {
dup2( fd1[ 0 ], 0 );
close( fd1[ 0 ] );
execlp( "/bin/wc", "-l", NULL );
else if ( pid == 0 ) {
cout << "Inside grand child" << endl;
execlp( "/bin/ps", "-A", NULL );
return 0;
I don't have it in the code above, but here is my guess on how things should go down:
- We need to redirect standard output of command ps -A (whatever is usually printed to the screen, correct?) so that the wc -l command can use it to count the lines.
- This standard output can be redirected using dup2, like dup2( ?, 1 ) which means redirect standard output to ?. Then you close ?.
Question: Where do I redirect it to? I know it should be one of the file descriptors, but where should it be redirected so that wc can process it?
- wc somehow receives the standard output.
Question: How does wc receive the output? Through an execlp parameter? Or does the operating system check one of the file descriptors?
- Execute wc -l.
Which one of these is closed and left open for wc to receive and process ps's output? I keep thinking this needs to be thought of backwards since ps needs to give its output to wc...but that doesn't seem to make sense since both child and grand-child are being processed in parallel.