For a while now I've been trying to work out how to run UIAutomation tests from Jenkins - every time I run the build, it builds fine, then it runs my instruments command (using the same command as detailed here ( Can Instruments be used using the command line?) and jenkins just hangs, well the whole machine does, and when I look at activity monitor I can see an instruments process using 2gb of memory.
When I set up jenkins, I original ran it as from a hidden user - this presented some challenges with jenkins being a deamon and not being able to access the window server. I then decided to change the jenkins account to a normal user, logged in and ran instruments from the command line - this worked fine.. but still had no luck with running it from jenkins.
I have set the jenkins account as a developer - no admin though
Please let me know if there's anything else that I could try, or if anyone has got this running successful your guidance would be much appreciated - Thanks