I'm new to developing for iOS (hence new to MacOSx) and using Titanium, the version I'm using is 2.1. I tried to deploy my application on an iPad but the following error showed up:
[ERROR] Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Developer' doesn't match any valid, non-expired certificate/private key pair in your keychains
When I checked Xcode the Provisioning Profiles have the status Valid signing identity not found
, my Xcode version is 4.4. I have entered my team developer portal, the application and the iPad are registered there and have downloaded the certificate and the provisioning files and I can't seem to figure out what's wrong with this. I have tried this post but I couldn't solve my problem.
I'm really lost here and I wish someone would just guide me in finding the answer to this problem. What I have read so far hasn't given me a solution. Hope anyone can help me with this issue.