I am integrating breezeJS into an existing requireJS project which already uses knockoutJS. I ran into a couple of problems.
The first was that breeze is unable to load the Q library unless i include it on my html wrapper as a <script>
tag, not as a loaded AMD dependency. In my project i am trying to keep my code down to a single script tag, so this isnt ideal.
The second issue is that breezeJS is unable to load knockout. In my main.js I have defined a path for knockout to be:
knockout: '../libs/knockout/knockout-2.2.0',
(I do this because I like knowing for sure that I am not accessing a global ko
However when i added breeze to my project, breeze wasn't able to load my knockout library. Looking into the breeze code i can see that it has been hardcoded to load the knockout library as ko
Not wanting to change all of my code i found that i could add my AMD loaded knockout library to the global window object as window['ko']
. But this feels like quite a bodge. Also weirdly adding Q this way and removing the <script>
tag didn't work, as i think Q is required too early in the application's lifecycle, even before i get to pollute the global - i did nest my require()
calls in main.js but that hid the majority of my application files from the build process so i abandoned that approach.
How can i include Q and knockout and breeze in my project and still use a single line <script>
tag, at the moment I am having to include Q as a separate <script>
tag and pollute the global to get breeze and knockout to play nicely.
I am using quite a few other libraries in my project and none of them have been this difficult to integrate in.
Any help is much appreciated
EDIT: Here is my full require config:
* shims are for 3rd party libraries that have not been written in AMD format.
* shims define AMD modules definitions that get created at runtime.
shim: {
'jqueryUI': { deps: ['jquery'] },
'jqueryAnimateEnhanced': { deps: ['jqueryUI'] },
'jqueryScrollTo': { deps: ['jquery'] },
'touchPunch': { deps: ['jquery'] },
//'Q': { exports: 'Q' },
//'breeze': { deps: ['Q', 'knockout'], exports: 'breeze' },
'path': { exports: 'Path' },
//'signalR': { deps: ['jquery'] },
paths: {
jquery: '../libs/jquery/jquery-1.7.2.min',
'jquery.adapter': '../libs/jquery/jquery.adapter',
//jquery plugins
horizontalNav: '../libs/jquery/plugins/horizontalNav/jquery.horizontalNav',
jqueryUI: '../libs/jquery/plugins/jquery-ui/jquery-ui-1.9.2.custom',
jqueryAnimateEnhanced: '../libs/jquery/plugins/animate-enhanced/jquery.animate-enhanced',
touchPunch: '../libs/jquery/plugins/touch-punch/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min',
//jqueryScrollTo: '../libs/jquery/plugins/jquery-scrollTo/jquery.scrollTo.min',
//reveal: '../libs/jquery/plugins/reveal/jquery.reveal',
//opentip: '../libs/jquery/plugins/opentip/opentip-jquery',
domReady: '../libs/require/plugins/domReady',
text: '../libs/require/plugins/text',
async: '../libs/require/plugins/async',
depend: '../libs/require/plugins/depend',
json: '../libs/require/plugins/json',
noext: '../libs/require/plugins/noext',
'coffee-script': '../libs/coffee/coffee-script',
cs: '../libs/require/plugins/cs',
path: '../libs/path/path.min',
knockout: '../libs/knockout/knockout-2.2.0',
knockoutTemplateSource: '../libs/knockout/ko.templateSource',
knockoutValidation: '../libs/knockout/ko.validation',
Q: '../libs/breeze/q',
breeze: '../libs/breeze/breeze.debug',
//Signals (Observer pattern)
signals: '../libs/signals/signals',
//SignalR - Push notifications
signalR: '../libs/signalR/jquery.signalR-0.5.2.min',
logger: 'common/logging/logger',
tinycolor: '../libs/tinycolor/tinycolor',
composing: 'common/composition/composing',
//app specific
BaseWidgetViewModel: 'app/view/core/BaseWidgetViewModel',