I would like to scan for nearby SSIDs of the Wi-Fi networks periodically (without connecting to it) and implement an SSID filter (one or multiple). Once a match is found a back-end API call is initiated.
I have done a quick research on the Hotspot Helper framework in iOS 10. I found that, these APIs are not designed for the use I’ve identified.
Seems like, iOS 11 now allows apps to manage Wi-Fi configurations programmatically. Apple added a network extension for hotspot configuration methods and properties. Please click here to see the changes.
My question here is, can I achieve my goal through the newly iOS 11 hotspot configuration class? Or does this provide the SSID of a known network or the currently connected one?
Any help on this is highly appreciated.
? Is there any sample code snipped available for Objective-C? – Trueblood