I’m doing some C++ test driven development. I have a set of classes the do the same thing e.g.
same input gives same output (or should, that’s what I’m try to test). I’m using Visual Studio 2012’s
CppUnitTestFramework. I wanted to create a templated test class, so I write the tests once, and can template in classes as needed however I cannot find a way to do this. My aim:
/* two classes that do the same thing */
class Class1
int method()
return 1;
class Class2
int method()
return 1;
/* one set of tests for all classes */
template< class T>
T obj;
Assert::AreEqual( 1, obj.method());
/* only have to write small amout to test new class */
class TestClass1 : BaseTestClass<Class1>
class TestClass2 : BaseTestClass<Class1>
Is there a way I can do this using CppUnitTestFramework?
Is there another unit testing framework that would allow me to do this?