There is a way to initialize structure with dictionary:
fooData= {'y': 1, 'x': 2}
fooStruct ="foo_t*", fooData)
fooBuffer = ffi.buffer(fooStruct)
Is there some ready function to do the conversion?
fooStruct ="foo_t*")
(ffi.buffer(fooStruct))[:] = fooBuffer
fooData= convert_to_python( fooStruct[0] )
Do I have to use ffi.typeof("foo_t").fields by myself?
I come up with this code so far:
def __convert_struct_field( s, fields ):
for field,fieldtype in fields:
if fieldtype.type.kind == 'primitive':
yield (field,getattr( s, field ))
yield (field, convert_to_python( getattr( s, field ) ))
def convert_to_python(s):
if type.kind == 'struct':
return dict(__convert_struct_field( s, type.fields ) )
elif type.kind == 'array':
if type.item.kind == 'primitive':
return [ s[i] for i in range(type.length) ]
return [ convert_to_python(s[i]) for i in range(type.length) ]
elif type.kind == 'primitive':
return int(s)
Is there a faster way?