If i create a simple project:
ionic start MyApp
And add the ImagePicker
ionic plugin add https://github.com/wymsee/cordova-imagePicker.git -save
And simply copy this example www folder into the project and do:
ionic platform add android
ionic build android
ionic run android
Everything is working fine. I can pick multiple images as intended without getting any errors.
So far so good. Now i tried to include that into my project so i added the ImagePicker
plugin. Now this is my plugin list:
ionic plugin ls
com.synconset.imagepicker 1.0.6 "ImagePicker"
cordova-plugin-camera 1.1.0 "Camera"
cordova-plugin-device 1.0.0 "Device"
cordova-plugin-dialogs 1.1.0 "Notification"
cordova-plugin-splashscreen 2.0.0 "Splashscreen"
cordova-plugin-statusbar 1.0.0 "StatusBar"
cordova-plugin-vibration 1.1.0 "Vibration"
cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.0.0 "Whitelist"
I created a new module:
angular.module('App.ImageSelect', [])
.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('app.imageSelect', {
url: "/products/prints/pola/imageSelect",
views: {
'menuContent': {
templateUrl: "modules/products/prints/pola/imageSelect/imageSelect.html",
controller: 'ImageSelectController'
.controller('ImageSelectController', function ($scope, $cordovaImagePicker) {
$scope.images = [];
$scope.selectImages = function () {
function (results) {
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
console.log('Image URI: ' + results[i]);
if (!$scope.$$phase) {
function (error) {
console.log('Error: ' + error);
As you can see it is EXACTLY the SAME controller which i copied from here which worked on the simple test project.
For any suspect reason this is NOT working. I always get the error:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getPictures' of undefined
So what's the point of that? Im using EXACT the same code in both projects. In one everything is working and in the other nothing is working. I tried all the examples described here but its always the same.
plugin? If yes, remove and reinstall it again. I just checked my test app and plugin works fine on iOS, can pickup any 5 images. Checking in Android... – Verney