As jjmontes said, the workaround requires the directive's template to be declared in template
instead of using templateUrl
, but in this way I would not get no advantage on using templateCache
, which for my application (not in the Codepen) I use along with Grunt, who generate it from my HTML files.
Everybody who uses Grunt hate repetitive work, and copying and pasting every change of my directive's HTML would be really tedious.
So, I would use $templateCache
to .get()
my directive's template and use it on the template
See it below:
.module('potatoApp', ['ngAnimate'])
// controllers, directives, stuff
function template($templateCache){
// Grunt will do this work for me
$templateCache.put('profile-float.directive.html', '<img ng-src="{{picture}}" alt="Profile image" ng-style="{\'max-width\': !higherWidth ? \'100%\' : \'\', \'max-height\': higherWidth ? \'100%\' : \'\'}">');
function profileFloat($templateCache){
var directive = {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
picture: '='
template: $templateCache.get('profile-float.directive.html'), // Keeping the use of $templateCache
link: link
// Rest of the directive's code
Works like charm! Hahaha