I assume you are concerned about allocating an unnecessary object. I think such concern is commendable.
What you are probably after is an Bitmap API where the bytes of the PNG image is provided through Stream<byte>
and the Bitmap API then produces when needed by the socket.
doesn't seem to support such behavior, possibly WIC
does (.NET wrappers exists through the excellent SharpDX
However, this would mean keeping potentially expensive objects (bitmap, brushes and so on) alive for the duration of the transfer. The byte array might be a more efficient way to store the result.
Another approach in order to avoid allocating objects unnecessarily is caching them. It's made a bit more problematic because System.Drawing
objects are mutable and not safe to use from multiple threads. You can however create a cache per thread using ThreadLocal
In the sample code below most objects are cached per Thread
. The only object created per call to draw
is the byte array returned but that is probably an efficient storage of the PNG data (it's possible the calls System.Drawing
allocates objects but we have no control over that). As I didn't figure out a way to listen for the "death" of a Thread it means it's important to manually dispose the objects using the dispose
method when the Thread no longer needs the objects.
Hope this was interesting
open System
open System.Drawing
open System.Drawing.Imaging
open System.IO
open System.Threading
module BitmapCreator =
module internal Details =
let dispose (d : IDisposable) =
if d <> null then
d.Dispose ()
| e -> () // TODO: log
// state is ThreadLocal, it means the resources gets initialized once per thread
let state =
let initializer () =
// Allocate all objects needed for work
let font = new Font("Courier", 24.0F)
let red = new SolidBrush(Color.Red)
let white = new SolidBrush(Color.White)
let bitmap = new Bitmap(600,400)
let g = Graphics.FromImage bitmap
let ms = new MemoryStream 1024
// disposer should be called when Thread is terminating to reclaim
// resources as fast as possible
let disposer () =
dispose ms
dispose g
dispose bitmap
dispose white
dispose red
dispose font
font, red, white, bitmap, g, ms, disposer
new ThreadLocal<_>(initializer)
// Draws text on a bitmap and returns that as a byte array
let draw text =
// Grab the state for the current thread
let font, red, white, bitmap, g, ms, _ = Details.state.Value
g.FillRectangle(white, 0.0F, 0.0F, 600.0F, 400.0F)
g.DrawString(text, font, red, 10.0F, 40.0F)
// Resets the memory stream
// The capacity is preserved meaning as long as the generated
// images is equal or smaller in size no realloc is needed
ms.Seek (0L, SeekOrigin.Begin) |> ignore
ms.SetLength 0L
bitmap.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png)
// Here a new array is allocated per call
// Depending on how FillRectangle/DrawString works this is hopefully our
// only allocation
// Disposes all BitmapCreator resources held by the current thread
let dispose () =
let _, _, _, _, _, _, disposer = Details.state.Value
disposer ()
let main argv =
// Saves some bitmaps to file, the name include the thread pid in order
// to not overwrite other threads' images
let save () =
let texts = [|"Hello"; "There"|]
let tid = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId
for text in texts do
File.WriteAllBytes (sprintf "%s_%d.png" text tid, BitmapCreator.draw text)
// Runs a in other thread, disposes BitmapCreator resources when done
let runInOtherThread (a : unit -> unit) =
let a () =
a ()
BitmapCreator.dispose ()
let thread = Thread a
thread.Start ()
thread.Join ()
Environment.CurrentDirectory <- AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory
save () // Here we allocate BitmapCreator resources
save () // Since the same thread is calling the resources will reused
runInOtherThread save // New thread, new resources
runInOtherThread save // New thread, new resources
BitmapCreator.dispose ()
I wanted to avoid.Basically my aproach is working. What is doing is after generating the imageSave
it on aMemoryStream
which then is converted to array and then sent as response. My feeling was that somehow it can be sent directly as response. – Madwort