I have the following nested types defined in postgres:
CREATE TYPE address AS (
name text,
street text,
zip text,
city text,
country text
CREATE TYPE customer AS (
customer_number text,
created timestamp WITH TIME ZONE,
default_billing_address address,
default_shipping_address address
And would now like to populate this types in a stored procedure, which gets json as an input parameter. This works for fields on the top-level, the output shows me the internal format of a postgres composite type:
# select json_populate_record(null::customer, '{"customer_number":"12345678"}'::json)::customer;
(1 row)
However, postgres does not handle a nested json structure:
# select json_populate_record(null::customer, '{"customer_number":"12345678","default_shipping_address":{"name":"","street":"","zip":"12345","city":"Berlin","country":"DE"}}'::json)::customer;
ERROR: malformed record literal: "{"name":"","street":"","zip":"12345","city":"Berlin","country":"DE"}"
DETAIL: Missing left parenthesis.
What works again is, if the nested property is in postgres' internal format like here:
# select json_populate_record(null::customer, '{"customer_number":"12345678","default_shipping_address":"(\"\",\"\",12345,Berlin,DE)"}'::json)::customer;
(1 row)
Is there any way to get postgres to convert from a nested json structure to a corresponding composite type?