I am using the Apache Commons FTP library in my android application
I am making the connection through FTPS, and although it connects perfectly to the server, I have a problem when transferring files.
The client who orders the app, for security reasons, requests that the TLS session resumption on data connection be requested when using PROT P.
Therefore, I have this option enabled on the server:
As I said, I can connect to the server, but not transfer files. If I deactivate the "Required TLS session resumption on data connection when using PROT P" box, the transfer works correctly.
I'm looking for a way to make file transfers using the library, but without success, however, I understand that there must be a way.
I give you the part of the related code:
TransferImagenesFTP.ftpClient = new FTPSClient();
TransferImagenesFTP.ftpClient.connect(InetAddress.getByName("XXX_XXX_XX_X"), 26);
TransferImagenesFTP.ftpClient.login("xxxxxx", "zzzzzz");
I appreciate any help, thanks.