I'm trying to use Google cloud translate. I think the problem is that Google cloud translate use UTF8 and the jvm use UTF16. So i got some typo in translations. For instance :
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
// Instantiates a client
Translate translate = TranslateOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();
// The text to translate
String text = "Bonjour, à qui dois-je répondre? Non, C'est l'inverse...";
// Translates some text into Russian
Translation translation =
System.out.printf("Text: %s%n", text);
System.out.printf("Translation: %s%n", StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(translation.getTranslatedText()));
will return :
"Translation: Hello, who should I answer? No, it's the opposite ..."
instead of :
Translation: Hello, who should I answer? No, it's the opposite ...
We can't change the encoding of a java String, and the Google Cloud Api will not accept anything (Byte[]?) but String.
Do someone know how to fix it?
Thank you for reading
Edit : This code is now working, I added the StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml from commons.apache dependencies. I do not know if there is an other way to do it.
, i.e.TranslateTextRequest.newBuilder().setMimeType("text/plain")
– Andesine