On Spotify Developer there is a description of the JSON format that is returned on "Get Audio Analysis for a Track". However, there is no information on "track.codestring", "track.echoprintstring" and "track.rhythmstring". Anyone who knows the definition of the information that is hidden in these long strings?
I'm currently embarking on machine/deep learning applied for Music Information Retrieval.
There seems to be no way to directly adress this question on developer.spotify. So I roamed the web but couldn't find an answer.
This is in the JSON-example on 'https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/tracks/get-audio-analysis/'
"codestring": "eJxVnAmS5DgOBL-ST-B9_P9j4x7M6qoxW9tpsZQSCeI...",
"code_version": 3.15,
"echoprintstring": "eJzlvQmSHDmStHslxw4cB-v9j_A-tahhVKV0IH9...",
"echoprint_version": 4.12,
"synchstring": "eJx1mIlx7ToORFNRCCK455_YoE9Dtt-vmrKsK3EBsTY...",
"synch_version": 1,
"rhythmstring": "eJyNXAmOLT2r28pZQuZh_xv7g21Iqu_3pCd160xV...",
"rhythm_version": 1