In the current plan, incoming commands are handled via Function Apps, resulting in Events being sent to an Event Hub, and then materializing the views
Someone is arguing that instead of storing events in something like table storage, and materializing views based on events and snapshots, that we should:
Just stream events to a log in Azure Monitor to have auditing
We can make changes to a domain object immediately in response to a command and use the change feed as our source of events for materialized views.
He doesn’t see the advantage of even having a materialized view. Why not just use a query? Argument is we don’t expect a lot of traffic.
He wants to fulfill the whole audit log by saving events to the azure monitor log - Just an application log. Instead, that commands should just directly modify the representation of an entity in cosmos, and we'd use the change feed from CosmosDB as our domain object events, or we would create new events off of that via subscribers to that stream.
Is this actually an advantageous approach? Can ya'll think of any reasons why we wouldn't want to do that? Seems like we'd be losing something here.
He's saying we'd no longer need to be concerned with eventual consistency, as we'd have immediate consistency.
Every reference implementation I've evaluated does NOT do it the way he's suggesting. I'm not deeply versed in the advantages/disadvantages of the event sourcing / CQRS paradigm so I'm at a loss at the moment.. Currently researching furiously
This is a conceptual issue so there's not so much a code example. However, here's some references that seem to back up the approach I'm taking..