I think it's related to the below links, but I don't understand.
- https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-6535
- https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-6150
- Kafka Streams deleting consumed repartition records, to reduce disk usage
It's possible to provide topic configurations like "retention.ms", "cleanup.policy" for kafka streams internal topics like *-changelog topics to delete useless logs.
But when it comes to internal topics like *-repartition topics, it's not possible to provide topic configuration values, even though the default "retention.ms" for repartition topic is "-1" which means infinite retention. How can I delete or manage repartition topics? Otherwise the repartition topic's size is going to be too large and disk malfunction problems might occur.
How can I manage repartition topics? What is purgeData? Couldn't find any related explanations on the documentation.