I've been working on a formalization for a process calculus in Coq (repository here), and constantly find myself trying to apply a function which fails because of equivalent, but syntactically different, subterms. This often happens because of manipulation of de Bruijn variables. As unification fails, I'll usually just replace misbehaving subterms explictly beforehand and then apply the function I need. A simple code as an example of what I mean:
Require Import Lia.
forall P: nat -> Prop,
(forall a b c, P (a + (b + c))) ->
forall a b c, P (b + c + a).
(* Unification fails here. *)
Fail apply H.
(* Replace misbehaving subterms explictly. *)
replace (b + c + a) with (a + (b + c)).
- (* Now application succeeds. *)
apply H.
- (* Show now they were the same thing. *)
So, my question is: is there a tactic, or is it possible to write one with ltac, which is similar to apply, but turning unification errors into additional equality goals instead of failing?
from Programming Language Foundations's LibTactics (softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/plf-current/LibTactics.html) along the lines of what you're looking for? – Benue