I am having a problem with reading DateColumns from an excel sheet.
Sometimes people use different date Formats and this brings a problem. Let's say when I expect 07/26/2010
from an Excel column I get 26-Jul-2010
because the user has changed its date format.
I use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB
for reading the xls sheet into a DataTable
Can I somehow force OleDb reader whatever the DateFormat is set on XLS, to convert all the dates into MM/DD/YYYY format?
I use this piece of code to read the Excel file:
string strConn;
strConn = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
"Data Source=" + uploadedFileInfo.FullName + ";" +
@"Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=NO;""";
using (OleDbConnection connToExcel = new OleDbConnection(strConn))
//You must use the $ after the object you reference in the spreadsheet
string firstSheetName = ExcelUploadedFileReaderBuilder
OleDbDataAdapter myCommand
= new OleDbDataAdapter(String.Format("SELECT * FROM [{0}]", firstSheetName), connToExcel);
DataSet myDataSet = new DataSet();
myCommand.Fill(myDataSet, "uploadedExcelTable");
DataTable dtUploadedExcel = myDataSet.Tables["uploadedExcelTable"];
lineCount = GetLineNumberWhereNULLRowOccured(dtUploadedExcel) + 1;