Here's a condensed example.
Keep in mind that the .chat-reply class has a click event handler bound to it.
The HTML (Reply Button):
<div class="container">
<a href="#" class="btn small chat-reply">Reply</a>
This jQuery function is called when someone clicks another button that sends a message to the server to be saved in the database. This is done via ajax and is done successfully. In the aforementioned .ajax() success() callback this function is called:
type : 'GET',
url : '/some_controller/some_method',
success : function(data) {
The 'data' in the success callback above will replace the entire .container div including the child .chat-reply button. After this replaceWith(), the click event is no longer bound to the button.
Logically, I'm attempting to have the end user post a message to a timeline, then have that message display in the timeline without needing to refresh the screen.