I want to use the enumerator for a generic collection with Delphi XE2. I am wondering, who owns the TEnumerator returned by the function GetEnumerator (I haven't found any clear answer in the documentation):
- Do I own it and need to free it after use?
- Or is it owned by the collection and I don't have to care about releasing it?
procedure Test;
myDictionary: TDictionary<String, String>;
myEnum: TDictionary<String, String>.TPairEnumerator;
{ Create a dictionary }
myDictionary := TDictionary<String, String>.Create;
myDictionary.Add('Key1', 'Value 1');
myDictionary.Add('Key2', 'Value 2');
{ Use an enumerator }
myEnum := myDictionary.GetEnumerator;
// ... do something with the Enumerator ...
{ Release objects }
myEnum.Free; // ** Do I need to free the enumerator? **